Types of questions - Alf:
minimum number of tasks of type:
single choice - text
single choice - pictures
multiple choice - text
multiple choice - pictures
memory game
category sort
matching - text
matching - pictures
order - vertically
order - horizontally
picture labeling
guess the word
fill the gaps
Order by  Number of found files: 66265 Results per page 
Záväzky interaktívne B
● 19.04.2024
Number of solutions: 0 ● Average success: 0%

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Number of solutions: 0 ● Average success: 0%

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Jitka Vyšňovská (Jitka Vyšňovská, -, -) ● Category: Odborné predmety → Účtovníctvo ● Grade: Grade 11 - Grade 14 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 1

Types of tasks

picture labeling(1)

Downloads 3
Záväzky interaktívne C
● 19.04.2024
Number of solutions: 0 ● Average success: 0%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 0 ● Average success: 0%

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Favourites: 1
Jitka Vyšňovská (Jitka Vyšňovská, -, -) ● Category: Odborné predmety → Účtovníctvo ● Grade: Grade 11 - Grade 14 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 1

Types of tasks

picture labeling(1)

Downloads 2
Afrika - pracovný list
● 19.04.2024
Favourites: 0
Monika Langová (Základná škola - Alapiskola, Gemerská Ves 205, Gemerská Ves) ● Category: Prírodovedné predmety → Geografia → 6. ročník → Afrika → Poloha, povrch ● Grade: Grade 6 ● File format: Word
Downloads 4
● 19.04.2024
Number of solutions: 205 ● Average success: 33%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 205 ● Average success: 33%

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Favourites: 1
Monika Langová (Základná škola - Alapiskola, Gemerská Ves 205, Gemerská Ves) ● Category: Prírodovedné predmety → Geografia → 6. ročník → Afrika → Poloha, povrch ● Grade: Grade 6 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 8

Types of tasks

single choice - text(1) , multiple choice - text(1) , memory game(1) , category sort(1) , matching - text(1) , order - horizontally(1) , guess the word(1) , fill the gaps(1)

Downloads 3
Vodné vtáky a cicavce
● 19.04.2024
Number of solutions: 1579 ● Average success: 64%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 1579 ● Average success: 64%

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Favourites: 2
Katarína Čuvalová (Nové trendy, Sládkovičova 1, Prešov) ● Category: Prírodovedné predmety → Biológia → 5.ročník → Život vo vode a na brehu → Opakovanie, nezaradané ● Grade: Grade 5 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 15

Types of tasks

single choice - text(2) , single choice - pictures(1) , multiple choice - text(2) , multiple choice - pictures(1) , memory game(1) , category sort(1) , matching - text(1) , order - horizontally(1) , flashcards(1) , puzzle(1) , guess the word(1) , crossword(1) , fill the gaps(1)

Downloads 23
Vzory podstatných mien mužského rodu
● 19.04.2024
Number of solutions: 1660 ● Average success: 68%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 1660 ● Average success: 68%

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Favourites: 0
Monika Krakovská (Základná škola s MŠ, Školská 240, Veľký Slavkov) ● Category: Slovenský jazyk a literatúra → II. stupeň → 6. ročník → Opakovanie, nezaradené ● Grade: Grade 6 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 16

Types of tasks

single choice - pictures(1) , multiple choice - text(2) , multiple choice - pictures(1) , memory game(1) , category sort(2) , matching - text(1) , order - vertically(1) , order - horizontally(1) , flashcards(1) , guess the word(2) , crossword(1) , fill the gaps(2)

Downloads 12
Podstatné mená
● 19.04.2024
Number of solutions: 1317 ● Average success: 66%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 1317 ● Average success: 66%

Statistics for my school

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Opakovanie na záver tematického celku podstatné mená. ● Lenka Bajzíková (Základná škola, Slovenských partizánov 1133/53, Považská Bystrica) ● Category: Slovenský jazyk a literatúra → II. stupeň → 5. ročník → Jazyk → Slovné druhy → Podstatné mená ● Grade: Grade 5 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 15

Types of tasks

single choice - text(1) , multiple choice - text(1) , multiple choice - pictures(1) , memory game(1) , category sort(1) , matching - text(2) , order - vertically(1) , order - horizontally(1) , flashcards(1) , puzzle(1) , guess the word(1) , crossword(1) , fill the gaps(2)

Downloads 371
Opakovanie vybraných slov pre 3.ročník
● 19.04.2024
Number of solutions: 3699 ● Average success: 67%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 3699 ● Average success: 67%

Statistics for my school

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Mária Mojdisová (Nové trendy, Sládkovičova 1, Prešov) ● Category: Slovenský jazyk a literatúra → I. stupeň → 3. ročník → Vybrané slová → Opakovanie, nezaradené ● Grade: Grade 3 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 15

Types of tasks

single choice - text(4) , single choice - pictures(1) , multiple choice - text(1) , multiple choice - pictures(1) , memory game(1) , category sort(1) , matching - text(1) , matching - pictures(1) , flashcards(1) , guess the word(1) , crossword(1) , fill the gaps(1)

Downloads 11
Historické pramene
● 18.04.2024
Number of solutions: 150 ● Average success: 92%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 150 ● Average success: 92%

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Monika Husárová (Nové trendy, Sládkovičova 1, Prešov) ● Category: Dejepis → 5.ročník → Od blízkeho k vzdialenému → Priestor a čas ● Grade: Grade 5 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 15

Types of tasks

single choice - text(2) , multiple choice - text(1) , memory game(1) , category sort(1) , matching - text(1) , matching - pictures(1) , order - vertically(1) , order - horizontally(2) , puzzle(2) , guess the word(1) , crossword(1) , fill the gaps(1)

Downloads 1
Antonymá - vety (2024)
● 18.04.2024
Number of solutions: 3615 ● Average success: 58%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 3615 ● Average success: 58%

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Favourites: 0
test ● Martin Reguli (Základná škola s MŠ, Šarišské Bohdanovce 179, Šarišské Bohdanovce) ● Category: Slovenský jazyk a literatúra → II. stupeň → 5. ročník → Jazyk → Slovná zásoba → Synonymá, antonymá ● Grade: Grade 5 - Grade 9 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 10

Types of tasks

fill the gaps(10)

Downloads 297
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