Types of questions - Alf:
minimum number of tasks of type:
single choice - text
single choice - pictures
multiple choice - text
multiple choice - pictures
memory game
category sort
matching - text
matching - pictures
order - vertically
order - horizontally
picture labeling
guess the word
fill the gaps
Order by  Number of found files: 66228 Results per page 
● 11.10.2018
Number of solutions: 550 ● Average success: 67%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 550 ● Average success: 67%

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Favourites: 10
Marián Kráľ (Základná škola Hany Zelinovej, Čachovský rad 34, Vrútky) ● Category: Dejepis → 9.ročník → Medzivojnová Európa → Diktatúry - ZSSR, Taliansko, Nemecko ● Grade: Grade 9 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 6

Types of tasks

multiple choice - text(1) , matching - text(1) , matching - pictures(1) , order - vertically(1) , order - horizontally(1) , guess the word(1)

Downloads 229
● 11.10.2018
Number of solutions: 33 ● Average success: 90%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 33 ● Average success: 90%

Statistics for my school

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Favourites: 1
Eva Šrámková (Masarykova jubilejní ZŠ a MŠ, Školská 380, Černilov) ● Category: Nezařazené ● Grade: Grade 2 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 14

Types of tasks

category sort(1) , matching - pictures(3) , order - vertically(4) , order - horizontally(3) , flashcards(1) , puzzle(1) , crossword(1)

Downloads 9
Stavba tela stavovcov
● 10.10.2018
Number of solutions: 432 ● Average success: 62%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 432 ● Average success: 62%

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Favourites: 5
Opakovanie tematického celku - Vnútorná stavba tela stavovcov ● Dana Kovalčíková (Základná škola s MŠ, Školská 290, Komjatná) ● Category: Prírodovedné predmety → Biológia → 7.ročník → Vnútorná stavba tela stavovcov → Opakovanie, nezaradené ● Grade: - ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 25

Types of tasks

single choice - text(3) , single choice - pictures(1) , multiple choice - text(2) , multiple choice - pictures(1) , memory game(1) , category sort(2) , matching - text(2) , matching - pictures(2) , order - vertically(1) , order - horizontally(2) , picture labeling(2) , flashcards(1) , puzzle(1) , guess the word(2) , crossword(1) , fill the gaps(1)

Downloads 259
Opakovanie - BIO 6. ročník
● 10.10.2018
Number of solutions: 2502 ● Average success: 42%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 2502 ● Average success: 42%

Statistics for my school

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Favourites: 8
Monika Lissová (Základná škola Márie Medveckej, Medvedzie 155, Tvrdošín) ● Category: Prírodovedné predmety → Biológia → 6.ročník → Opakovanie, nezaradené ● Grade: - ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 26

Types of tasks

single choice - text(2) , single choice - pictures(2) , multiple choice - text(2) , multiple choice - pictures(2) , memory game(1) , category sort(2) , matching - text(2) , matching - pictures(2) , order - vertically(1) , order - horizontally(1) , picture labeling(1) , flashcards(2) , puzzle(2) , guess the word(1) , crossword(2) , fill the gaps(1)

Downloads 2163
Vnútorná stavba tela bezstavovcov 2
● 10.10.2018
Number of solutions: 607 ● Average success: 77%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 607 ● Average success: 77%

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Favourites: 12
Učivá: živočíchy s obrúčkami - obrúčkavce, živočíchy s článkovaným telom - článkonožce, článkonožce - hmyz. Učebnica biológie pre 6. roč. str. 85 - 90. ● Rastislav Krähenbil (WELP, J. Hollého 1183/10, Bojnice) ● Category: Prírodovedné predmety → Biológia → 6.ročník → VST bezstavovcov → Opakovanie, nezaradené ● Grade: Grade 6 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 11

Types of tasks

single choice - text(2) , single choice - pictures(1) , multiple choice - text(1) , category sort(1) , matching - pictures(1) , order - horizontally(1) , picture labeling(3) , puzzle(1)

Downloads 239
Vnútorná stavba tela bezstavovcov 1
● 10.10.2018
Number of solutions: 1157 ● Average success: 85%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 1157 ● Average success: 85%

Statistics for my school

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Favourites: 12
Učivá: drobné vodné živočíchy - pŕhlivce, vnútorné parazity - ploskavce a hlístovce, živočíchy so schránkou - mäkkýše. Učebnica biológie pre 6. roč. str. 78 - 83. ● Rastislav Krähenbil (WELP, J. Hollého 1183/10, Bojnice) ● Category: Prírodovedné predmety → Biológia → 6.ročník → VST bezstavovcov → Opakovanie, nezaradené ● Grade: Grade 6 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 10

Types of tasks

single choice - text(1) , multiple choice - text(2) , category sort(2) , matching - pictures(1) , order - horizontally(2) , picture labeling(1) , puzzle(1)

Downloads 384
● 10.10.2018
Number of solutions: 3605 ● Average success: 65%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 3605 ● Average success: 65%

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Favourites: 6
Katarína Benková (Základná škola, Postupimská 37, Košice) ● Category: Prírodovedné predmety → Biológia → 6.ročník → VST bezstavovcov → Článkonožce ● Grade: Grade 6 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 17

Types of tasks

single choice - text(6) , multiple choice - text(1) , category sort(1) , matching - text(3) , matching - pictures(1) , order - vertically(1) , order - horizontally(1) , picture labeling(2) , puzzle(1)

Downloads 2332
Obrúčkavce, článkonožce
● 10.10.2018
Number of solutions: 12361 ● Average success: 74%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 12361 ● Average success: 74%

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Favourites: 3
opakovanie ● Katarína Benková (Základná škola, Postupimská 37, Košice) ● Category: Prírodovedné predmety → Biológia → 6.ročník → VST bezstavovcov → Obrúčkavce ● Grade: Grade 6 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 19

Types of tasks

single choice - text(17) , memory game(1) , puzzle(1)

Downloads 2389
● 10.10.2018
Number of solutions: 3834 ● Average success: 84%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 3834 ● Average success: 84%

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Favourites: 6
zelenina opakovanie ● Mária Lakotová (Základná škola s VJM, Hodejov 130, Hodejov) ● Category: Prírodovedné predmety → Biológia → 6.ročník → Život s človekom a v ľudských obydliach → Ovocie a zelenina ● Grade: Grade 5 - Grade 9 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 8

Types of tasks

single choice - text(2) , multiple choice - text(1) , multiple choice - pictures(1) , memory game(1) , category sort(2) , puzzle(1)

Downloads 338
Chovateľsky významné vtáky a cicavce
● 10.10.2018
Number of solutions: 5391 ● Average success: 60%

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Number of solutions: 5391 ● Average success: 60%

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Favourites: 25
Katarína Kisková (Základná škola, Školská 257/ 22, Dunajská Lužná) ● Category: Prírodovedné predmety → Biológia → 6.ročník → Život s človekom a v ľudských obydliach → Chovateľsky významné cicavce a vtáky ● Grade: Grade 6 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 19

Types of tasks

single choice - text(1) , multiple choice - text(11) , category sort(4) , flashcards(1) , fill the gaps(2)

Downloads 533
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