Types of questions - Alf:
minimum number of tasks of type:
single choice - text
single choice - pictures
multiple choice - text
multiple choice - pictures
memory game
category sort
matching - text
matching - pictures
order - vertically
order - horizontally
picture labeling
guess the word
fill the gaps
Order by  Number of found files: 66256 Results per page 
TEST Vylučovacia a dýchacia sústava
● 20.04.2021
Number of solutions: 1975 ● Average success: 60%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 1975 ● Average success: 60%

Statistics for my school

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Favourites: 3
Časovaný pomiešaný test ● Katarína Radvanská (Základná škola s MŠ, Dolné Orešany 209, Dolné Orešany) ● Category: Prírodovedné predmety → Biológia → 7.ročník → Človek a jeho telo → Vylučovanie, močová, hormonálna sústava ● Grade: Grade 7 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 13

Types of tasks

single choice - text(1) , multiple choice - text(2) , category sort(1) , matching - text(1) , order - vertically(2) , picture labeling(3) , guess the word(1) , fill the gaps(2)

Downloads 35
Vylučovacia a dýchacia sústava
● 20.04.2021
Number of solutions: 6537 ● Average success: 63%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 6537 ● Average success: 63%

Statistics for my school

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Favourites: 2
Človek ● Katarína Radvanská (Základná škola s MŠ, Dolné Orešany 209, Dolné Orešany) ● Category: Prírodovedné predmety → Biológia → 7.ročník → Človek a jeho telo → Vylučovanie, močová, hormonálna sústava ● Grade: Grade 7 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 13

Types of tasks

single choice - text(1) , multiple choice - text(2) , category sort(1) , matching - text(1) , order - vertically(2) , picture labeling(3) , guess the word(1) , fill the gaps(2)

Downloads 32
Hrubá a čistá mzda 2021
● 19.04.2021
Favourites: 1
Jitka Vyšňovská (Jitka Vyšňovská, -, -) ● Category: Odborné predmety → Ekonomika ● Grade: Grade 11 - Grade 13 ● File format: Powerpoint
Downloads 364
Gyakorló témazáróra
● 19.04.2021
Number of solutions: 14 ● Average success: 74%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 14 ● Average success: 74%

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Zsuzsanna Mészáros (Baji Szent István Német Nemzetiségi Általános Iskola, Béke u. 2., Baj) ● Category: Biológia ● Grade: Grade 8 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 20

Types of tasks

single choice - text(2) , multiple choice - text(2) , category sort(7) , matching - text(3) , order - vertically(2) , puzzle(1) , fill the gaps(3)

Downloads 7
FIZ 8 - Mechanikai munka
● 19.04.2021
Number of solutions: 92 ● Average success: 68%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 92 ● Average success: 68%

Statistics for my school

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Favourites: 2
Ernő György, Mgr. (Základná škola s MŠ, Radzovce 418, Radzovce) ● Category: Prírodovedné predmety → Fyzika → 8.ročník → Sila, pohyb, práca, energia → Práca, energia, výkon ● Grade: Grade 8 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 15

Types of tasks

single choice - text(6) , multiple choice - text(1) , matching - text(1) , matching - pictures(2) , order - vertically(1) , flashcards(1) , fill the gaps(3)

Downloads 990
Skloňovanie podstatných mien
● 19.04.2021
Number of solutions: 64039 ● Average success: 88%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 64039 ● Average success: 88%

Statistics for my school

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Favourites: 13
Renáta Široká (Základná škola s MŠ, Havaj 7, Havaj) ● Category: Slovenský jazyk a literatúra → I. stupeň → 4. ročník → Slovné druhy → Podstatné mená → Skloňovanie PM ● Grade: Grade 4 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 7

Types of tasks

single choice - pictures(3) , matching - text(1) , matching - pictures(1) , order - vertically(1) , flashcards(1)

Downloads 2002
Dedičnosť a premenlivosť
● 19.04.2021
Number of solutions: 16505 ● Average success: 54%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 16505 ● Average success: 54%

Statistics for my school

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Favourites: 7
Vladimír Drábek (Gymnázium, Hubeného 23, Bratislava) ● Category: Prírodovedné predmety → Biológia → 8.ročník → Dedičnosť → Dedičnosť ● Grade: Grade 8 - Grade 9 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 9

Types of tasks

single choice - text(6) , matching - text(1) , fill the gaps(2)

Downloads 108
Beste Freunde Lektion 30 6
● 19.04.2021
Number of solutions: 30 ● Average success: 79%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 30 ● Average success: 79%

Statistics for my school

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Favourites: 1
Hörverstehe - Jonas beim Herrn Reiter ● Éva Waldmann-né Baudentisztl (Baji Szent István Német Nemzetiségi Általános Iskola, Béke u. 2., Baj) ● Category: Nyelvek → német ● Grade: Grade 7 - Grade 13 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 9

Types of tasks

single choice - text(5) , category sort(1) , matching - pictures(2) , fill the gaps(1)

Downloads 1
Spoločenstvo lúk
● 19.04.2021
Number of solutions: 4549 ● Average success: 76%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 4549 ● Average success: 76%

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Favourites: 10
Renáta Široká (Základná škola s MŠ, Havaj 7, Havaj) ● Category: Prírodovedné predmety → Prírodoveda → 4.ročník → Prírodné spoločenstvá → Spoločenstvo lúk ● Grade: Grade 4 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 9

Types of tasks

single choice - text(1) , multiple choice - text(1) , multiple choice - pictures(1) , matching - text(2) , matching - pictures(1) , flashcards(1) , guess the word(2)

Downloads 1114
Druhoústovce, chordáty
● 19.04.2021
Number of solutions: 54 ● Average success: 83%

General statistics

Number of solutions: 54 ● Average success: 83%

Statistics for my school

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Favourites: 1
od druhoústovcov po obojživelníky ● Vladimír Drábek (Gymnázium, Hubeného 23, Bratislava) ● Category: Prírodovedné predmety → Biológia → Rôzne. nezaradené → Živočíchy ● Grade: Grade 10 ● File format: Alf ● Number of questions 20

Types of tasks

single choice - text(9) , multiple choice - text(4) , category sort(1) , matching - text(2) , fill the gaps(4)

Downloads 1
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